It is like Snehana is an independent upakarma,as a purvakarma(post operative) measures generally done after Pachana and snehana, before administration of sodhana treatment,pradhanakarma(main procedures) like Vamana, Virechana,etc.
swedana karma |
Swedana is a process to induce sweating artificially in a patient who had already undergone Snehana,etc.The heat is generated directly (saagni) or indirectly (niragni).Swedana liquifies the doshas,clears the obstruction of channels of circulation and directs the doshas to selective places from where they can be expelled easily.
A dry or wet method of sweating is called swedana.It may be full body steam therapy.Special herb decided on the basis of nature and intensity of doshas are fused into the steam and together the heat and herbs dilate the channels allowing the stored ama (toxins) to move back into the digestive system.in swedana the body is made to perspire to loosen and excrete the toxins.by this method as next is to remove toxins from the body through panchakarma(sodhana therapy).
Benefits of Svedana karma or sudation therapy:(ref: sus.chi and char.sidhi)
- Sthambahara - relieves stiffness of the body especially of joints,etc.
- Gourava Nasa - brings in the feeling of lightness in the body and it relieves heaviness of the body.
- Shitaghnam - imparts hotness or ushnata to The body by its thermal action.
- Sweda kara- produces sweating in the body through which some metabolic wastes are flushed out fromthe body as a result skin of the person appears clean,soft and glowing.
- Agni deepthi - Improves digestive ability.
- Maardhavam - softness of the body.
- Tvak prasadam- smoothness and clearness of the skin.
- Baktha sradham- desire for the food.
- Srotasam nirmalatwam- clearness of bodily ducts and channels.
- Hanti nidram Satandra- removes tandrayukta nidra
- restores the functions of stiffness of joints.
- Sulahara - removes the pain.
Mechanism of sweating and Swedana karma:
Perspiration or sweat is the substance produced by the sudoriferous glands, sudation therapy activates these glands to produce more sweating so as to flush out the bodily wastes or toxins from the body through the secretory portion of eccrine gland, which are located in the subcutaneous layer and the excretory duct project upwards through the dermis and epidermis to terminate at a pore at the surface of the epidermis.Eccrine sweat glands function through out life and produce a secretion that is more watery than that of apocrine sweat glands.which produce a more viscous secretion in the skin of axilla, pubic region and pigmented areas of the breast,as their distribution is limited to these areas only.
Ayurveda duly recognizing the function of sweat gland like eliminating toxins has successfully adopted and designed as the Swedana chikitsa.
There is a little amount of risk in causing over sweating(continuously) as the vital factors like water,salt,sugar,lactic acid,etc are likely to be eliminated from the body with sweat, hence attending physician should be ready with remedial measures .Even though as safety measured declared persons who are likely to sweat out these vital factors as Ayogya for swedana.
From the panchakarma point of view swedana karma is administered to cause vilayana (liquification) of the aggravated dosha which are already transformed into Snigdha avastha by the pachana and snehana already undertaken in the individual.The vilayana of ama dosha is essential for elimination that can be achieved through vamana,virechana etc.Generally in all pathological conditions the doshas which are in sama condition sticks on various srotamsis creating avarodha or blocking of minute channels.these are being stimulated to move out through pachana ,snehana, and swedana as poorva karma.
Types of Swedana:(detail)
It can be divided into 4 mainly
- Tapa sweda
- Ushma Sweda
- Upanaha Sweda
- Drava Sweda
another division:
- Pinda Sweda.
- Nadi Sweda.
- Avagaha Sweda.
- Upanaha Sweda.
- Prasthara Sweda.
- Shalvana Sweda.
On the basis of induction of heat:
- Thermal (sagni sweda) -13.
- Non thermal (Niragni sweda) - 10
On the basis of application of heat:
- Local (Ekanga Sweda)
- General (Sarvanga Sweda).
On the basis of nature of heat:
- Moist heat (Snigdha Sweda).
- Dry heat (Rooksha Sweda)
On the basis of intensity of heat:
- High sweat (Maha Sweda).
- Medium sweat ( Madhyama Sweda).
- Low sweat (Durbala Sweda).
General features of Swedana Dravyas/Drugs:
The medicines which produces sweda are generally having properties like Ushna/warm,Tikshna/sharp,Sara/slimy,Snigdha/unctuous,sukshma/subtle,Rooksha/rough,Sthira/stable,Drava/liquid,Guru/heavy.
Indications of Swedana/swedana yogya patient:
- following swedana.
- stiffness of the body.
- Pain.
- Cold.
- Heaviness.
- Dryness.
- Deranged vata dosha/obstruction to mala, mutra/urin and shukra/semen.
- Prior to panchakarma procedures as poorva karma.
- Swedana is given to even infants by using warm hands.etc
Contra indications of swedana/swedana ayogya patient:
- Dagdha (burnt)
- Visha peeta (Poisoned).
- Madhyapeeta (Alcoholic).
- Trishita (dehydrated/thirsty)
- Nidranasha (Insomnia).
- Chardi (Vomiting).
- Raktha pitha (bleeding disorders)
- Hridaya rogas( cardiac disorders)
Factors to be considered before administering swedana:
- Nature of the disease (Vyadhi): whether the presenting clinical condition and the type of person are eligible to undergo swedana line of treatment as an independent chikitsa or as part of samshodhana chikitsa.
- Seasonal times (ritu): if the disease is of serous type, season is very cold and if the body of the patient is strong,then a strong swedana should be planned.If the disease is mild season is moderately cold and the body is weak mild type is suited.In summer season mrdu sweda should be planned.
- Depending in locatoion of Dosha: Rooksha Sweda for amasaya gata vata. Sneha Sweda for Pakvashaya gata vata.
- Parts/organs contra indicated: Swedana is contra indicated /prohibited for the body organs like scrotum,heart,and eyes.If swedana is so essential from clinical point of view very light swedana with proper protective covers should be done.
- Types of Swedana: If it is meant for samshodhana as poorva karma ,it should follow snehana on 4thor 8th day. and if is being planned as a samana measures it should be done as per the need of particular case.
Features Samyak (proper) Sweda:
- Sitoparama (disappearance of cold).
- Suloparama (relief of pain/colic)
- Stambha nigraha (relief from stiffness).
- Gourava Nigraha (relief from heaviness).
- Mardava (softness in the body).
- Sveda Srava (adequate sweating)
- Vuadhiha nirlaghutwam (remission of the disease)
- Sitarthitvam (desire for cold).
- The sign of proper administration of svedana therapy is appearance of sweating.
Features of Hina or mithyayoga/improper Sweda:
following are the features of inadequate or improper sudation therapy-
- Absence of samyak snigdha features.
- Non occurrence of sweating.
- presence of cold effect.
- continuation of pain/colic.
- Presence of heaviness of the body.
- Continuation of stiffness of the body.
Features of Ati (excess) Sweda:
- burning sensation in the body.
- aggravation of pitta.
- Fainting (Murcha).
- Heaviness of the body.
- Pain in joints.
- Visphota (Blisters)
- Bhrama (Giddiness)
- Klama (tiredness).
- Vomiting.
- Trshna (thirst).
- Raktha dushti lakshana.etc.
Excessive Swedana (Atisvinna) features and management:
In case if there is excessive sweating and relevant features are exhibited the following remedial measures should be initiated at once.
- Madhura, sita, drava and snigdha ahara should be given.
- Sita mantha added with sugar.
- Madya in addicted persons.
- keep in cool and comfort.
- chandana lepa over the body.
- all greeshma hritu charya.etc.
- in daha- pravala pishti,guduchi satwa,kama etc
- in burn wounds- jatyadi ghritha or taila.
Svedana karma- classification
1.Niragni Sveda (without fire) and 2. Saagni sveda(with fire)
(ref: susurutha and vaagbhata)
Niragni sveda: Saagni Sveda
- Vyayama (Exercise) 1.Tapa Sveda -done with hand
- Ushna sadana Kaansya,Kapaala,Kanduka,Vaaluka and
- Guru pravarana vastra (cloth)
- Kshudha 2.Upanaha Sveda-bandhan,pradeha,potali
- Bahupan 3.Ushma sveda-done with kapaala,Pashana
- Bhaya Loha ball,Sankar,Kumbhi,Prasthala,bhru etc
- Krodha 4.Drava sveda-Done with parisheka,and
- Upanaha avagaha.
- Ahava
- Aatapa
According to Charaka:
- Saagni 13 types- 1.Samkara sveda, 2.Prasthara sveda, 3.Nadi sveda, 4.Parisheka sveda, 5.Avagaha Sveda, 6.Jentaaka sveda, 7.Asmanga sveda, 8.Karshu sveda, 9.Kuti sveda, 10.Bhru sveda, 11.Kumbhi sveda, 12.Kupa sveda, and 13.Holaka sveda.
- Niragni 10 types- Explained above
According to Kashyapa- 8 types:
1.Hastha sveda,2.Pradeha sveda,3.Nadi sveda,4.Prasthara sveda,5.Sankara sveda,6.Upanaha sveda,7.Avagaha sveda and 8.Parisheka sveda.
Classification according to bala/strength:
1.Mahan 2.Madhyama 3. Mrdhu.
Classification according to guna/quality:
- Snigdha
- Snigdha ruksha
- Ruksha
1.Samkara Sweda (Mixed fomentation):
Sankara means mixing of dravyas like Tila,masha,etc together should be rubbed into pinda (ball like) made Luke warm and kept over the painful part of the body.This is a ideal procedure for application of heat to a selected part of the body.Depending on the drug used it can be ruksha or snigdha.
Samkara means mixing of dravyas like Tila,masha,etc together should be rubbed into pinda (ball like) made Luke warm and kept over the painful part of the body.This is a ideal procedure for application of heat to a selected part of the body.Depending on the drug used it can be ruksha or snigdha.
Fomentation by means of hot bolus of prescribed drugs with or without being wrapped in a cloth.
Poorvakarma (Prerequisite):
Patient preparation:
Abhyanga whole body.
Tala Dhaarana-A bowl like shape is prepared with the help of Aamalakee paste. This is filled with any Taila having Sheeta property. It should be covered by any leaf having Vaatahara property.
For Ekaanga Sveda Taladharana need not be done.
According to the type of Sveda i.e. unctuous drugs like Tila, Maasha etc. for Snigdha Sankara Sveda and dry drugs like Vaalukaa, excreta of animals etc. for Rooksha Sankara Sveda.
Tila, Maasha, Kulattha, Maamsarasa, Ksheera, Paayasa, Amlavarga, Shakrid of Go, Khara etc., Vaalukaa, Mritkapaala, Paashaana, Loha Pinda, Paansu, Dhaanya, Busa, Pulaaka Palaala, Kaanji, Shashtika Shaalee Pinda.
Sveda can be applied to whole body or to a part of the body. (In Sandhee Shoola(joint pain) at the specific joint or for diseases like Shosha(wasting) whole body Sveda).
There are 2 types of this Svedanai.e.1) Snigdha Sankara Sveda for this type of Svedana unctuous drugs like Tila, Maasha etc. are used. This is indicated in Vaata Pradhaana Doshaja Vyaadhi. 2) Rooksha Sveda - for this type of Svedana dry drugs like Vaalukaa, excreta of animals etc. are used. This is indicated in Kapha Pradhaana, Aamaja and Medaja Vyaadhi, Aamavaata.
The drugs are kept inside a Potaliand made warm by immersing inside Paayasa, Maamsa Rasa etc.
For dry Sankara Sveda the materials are heated directly and fomentation is done by direct contact with body.
Four assistants should stand around the patient. Two assistants should do Svedana over body parts above waist and two below waist.
The assistants should apply Svedaby constantly moving the Potalli.
The movement should be from Manyaatowards the Katee and from Katee(hip) towards the legs.
When the Svedana is applied without the help of Pottali, then the medicine should be applied directly over the body. (Annalepana)
Precaution should be taken to avoid burns.
The medicine should be removed with the help of leaves of Nalikera(coconut) and Eranda.
The oil should be wiped out completely.
Other Description:
It is also called as Pinda Sveda.
Vaalukaa PotaliSveda, Annalepana, Shashtika Shaalee Sveda can be included in this category.
Precaution should be taken to avoid Dagdha.
While administration of Annalepanaor Pinda Sveda physician should monitor the patient for Koshtha Shuddhi (by application of Gandharvahastaadi Kvaatha).
This type of Sveda is indicated in Daahapradhaana Vyaadhi.
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