Urinary Calculi/ Kidney stone
Calculi or stone is a solid/ crystal sedimentation formed in the urinary system. It is also called as Urolithiasis. It is mainly formed from the dietary minerals and waste materials found in the urine. It is usually comprised as a compound called Calcium oxalate or Phosphate. These are result of an accumulation of dissolved minerals on the inner surface of urinary system like Kidneys etc. It may have different sizes. Some of them have the size of a pin head and may be pass unnoticed through urine without causing any symptoms. Some of them have enough size to obstruct urinary passage and can cause symptoms like pain,etc. These can be grouped and classified according to the location and chemical composition.
Signs and Symptoms of kidney stones:
stones leave the body by the passage of the urine and sometimes not causes any
symptoms if they are in small size. But if it is great in size (size more than
3mm), they can cause obstruction of the ureter. If they obstruct the ureter may
cause symptoms like pain, blood in the urine, etc.
- Intermittent pain that radiates from the flanks to the groins or to the genital area or inner thigh (known as renal colic). It is commonly accompanied by urinary urgency, restlessness, hematuria, nausea, sweating, etc. It is typically comes in waves like manner and lasting 20 to 60 mts beginning in the lower back and often radiating to the groin or genitals. The site of the pain depends upon the site of the obstruction.
- There may be burning sensation or urgency while urinating.
- If its large enough there will be bleeding through urinary tract.
- Fever, chills and vomiting also associated.
- Pain in the bladder while jumping, running etc.
What are the causes and risk factors?
- Poor fluid Intake:Poor
fluid intake and hot climate will lead to dehydration and further concentration
of the urine and allowing forming calculi. Dehydration and less fluid intake
also reduce urine volume.
- Alcohols: Chronic
alcoholism will lead to dehydration and further increase the cause for stone
formation. Beverages like brandy, beer, etc will lead to increasing the level
of purine, etc.
- Use of some medicines: Use
of excess diuretics, calcium containing antacids, excess vitD and A.
- Due to some diseases: Like
reflux, medullary spongy kidney, UTI, renal tubular acidosis, etc.
- Animal Protein: High
intake of dietary animal proteins, sodium, refined sugars, fructose, and high
fructose corn syrup, grapefruit juice, etc.
- Oxalate:High
intake of oxalate's and low fluid intakes.
- Fluoridation of drinking water.
- High Calcium Intake: Most
of the kidney stones are made up of calcium. So high level of calcium in the
urine also become a risk factor. Persons who takes supplementary calcium have high
risk of developing kidney stones.
Wikipedia -Unlike supplemental calcium high intake of dietary calcium do not
appear to cause kidney stones and may protect against their development. This
is because of the role of calcium in binding ingested oxalate in the
gastrointestinal tract. As the amount of calcium intake decreases the amount of
oxalate available for absorption into the blood stream increases, this oxalate
is then excreted in greater amount in the urine by the kidneys. In the urine
oxalate is very stronger promoter of calcium oxalate precipitation, about 15
times stronger than calcium. In fact, current evidence suggests that the
conception of diets low in calcium is associated with higher overall risk for
the development of kidney stones.).
- Improper
diet and sedentary lifestyle.
- Working for
long periods in direct sunlight.
- Excess
physical work.
- Drinking
little quantity of water on daily basis.
- Suppressing
the urge to pass stools,and urine,etc.
- A diet high
in meat, fish, and poultry, etc.
- Idiopathic,
Types and Classifications:
calculi are typically classified according to the location and chemical
According to location:
1. Nephrolithiasis: Calculi in the kidney.
2. Urolithiasis: Calculi originating anywhere in
the urinary system including kidneys and bladder.
Calyceal calculi: Calculi in minor or major calyces.
Ureterolithiasis: Stones in ureter.
Cystolithiasis: stones in bladder.
According to chemical composition:
1.Calcium oxalate crystals: From dietary oxalate-
vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Urine become acidic and low pH.
2. Calcium phosphate: Urine is alkaline and high pH.
3. Uric acid crystals: from diet rich animal proteins,
and purines, meat, fish, etc. urine is acidic and high pH.
4. Struvite crystals: Due to infections in the
kidneys. Diet has no effect.
5. Cystine crystals: It is a rare case cystine leak
through the kidneys and into the urine to form crystals.
common crystals are made up of calcium oxalate and phosphates. Due to many
reasons explained above leads to calcium and oxalate unit to form crystal
nucleus. Supersaturation of urine promotes the situation. Waste materials and
other sediments from the urine aggregate on this nucleus and form bigger ones.
These finally lead to stone. Normally urine contain factors that inhibit
some building substances from forming crystals like Mg, etc. deficiency of
these and changes in urine pH will lead to stone formation.
Inhibition of Stone Formation:
urine contains chelating agents like citrate, prothrombin, etc that
inhibit nucleation, growth and aggregation of calcium containing crystals. When
these substances fall below their normal properties stones can form from an
aggregation of crystals. Kidney stones often results from a combination of
factors rather than a single well-defined causes.
Laboratory investigations and Diagnostic tests:
- KUB plain radiograph.
- CT scan of abdomen and pelvis.
- Urinalysis- RBC in Urine, Bacteria, leukocytes, casts and crystals.
- Urine Culture.
- Usg abdomen and Pelvis.
- CBC (Complete Blood Count)- (increased
neutrophil and granulocytes), suggest bacterial infection.
- RFT -(Renal Function Tests)- High blood calcium level.
- 24 hr urine culture.
How to Diagnose kidney Stone or Urinary calculi?
is mainly made based on the information obtained from the history, nature
of the pain, or other details from the patient. Many tests are used for proper
diagnosis. Even a simple physical examination may reveal pain and LBA.
What are the treatment methods for kidney stones/ how to cure?:
What are the causes and risk factors?
Wikipedia -Unlike supplemental calcium high intake of dietary calcium do not
appear to cause kidney stones and may protect against their development. This
is because of the role of calcium in binding ingested oxalate in the
gastrointestinal tract. As the amount of calcium intake decreases the amount of
oxalate available for absorption into the blood stream increases, this oxalate
is then excreted in greater amount in the urine by the kidneys. In the urine
oxalate is very stronger promoter of calcium oxalate precipitation, about 15
times stronger than calcium. In fact, current evidence suggests that the
conception of diets low in calcium is associated with higher overall risk for
the development of kidney stones.).
- Improper
diet and sedentary lifestyle.
- Working for
long periods in direct sunlight.
- Excess
physical work.
- Drinking
little quantity of water on daily basis.
- Suppressing
the urge to pass stools,and urine,etc.
- A diet high
in meat, fish, and poultry, etc.
- Idiopathic,
Types and Classifications:
Urinary calculi are typically classified according to the location and chemical composition.
According to location:
1. Nephrolithiasis: Calculi in the kidney.
2. Urolithiasis: Calculi originating anywhere in
the urinary system including kidneys and bladder.
Calyceal calculi: Calculi in minor or major calyces.
Ureterolithiasis: Stones in ureter.
Cystolithiasis: stones in bladder.
According to chemical composition:
1.Calcium oxalate crystals: From dietary oxalate-
vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Urine become acidic and low pH.
2. Calcium phosphate: Urine is alkaline and high pH.
3. Uric acid crystals: from diet rich animal proteins,
and purines, meat, fish, etc. urine is acidic and high pH.
4. Struvite crystals: Due to infections in the
kidneys. Diet has no effect.
5. Cystine crystals: It is a rare case cystine leak
through the kidneys and into the urine to form crystals.
common crystals are made up of calcium oxalate and phosphates. Due to many
reasons explained above leads to calcium and oxalate unit to form crystal
nucleus. Supersaturation of urine promotes the situation. Waste materials and
other sediments from the urine aggregate on this nucleus and form bigger ones.
These finally lead to stone. Normally urine contain factors that inhibit
some building substances from forming crystals like Mg, etc. deficiency of
these and changes in urine pH will lead to stone formation.
Inhibition of Stone Formation:
urine contains chelating agents like citrate, prothrombin, etc that
inhibit nucleation, growth and aggregation of calcium containing crystals. When
these substances fall below their normal properties stones can form from an
aggregation of crystals. Kidney stones often results from a combination of
factors rather than a single well-defined causes.
Laboratory investigations and Diagnostic tests:
- KUB plain radiograph.
- CT scan of abdomen and pelvis.
- Urinalysis- RBC in Urine, Bacteria, leukocytes, casts and crystals.
- Urine Culture.
- Usg abdomen and Pelvis.
- CBC (Complete Blood Count)- (increased neutrophil and granulocytes), suggest bacterial infection.
- RFT -(Renal Function Tests)- High blood calcium level.
- 24 hr urine culture.
How to Diagnose kidney Stone or Urinary calculi?
Diagnosis is mainly made based on the information obtained from the history, nature of the pain, or other details from the patient. Many tests are used for proper diagnosis. Even a simple physical examination may reveal pain and LBA.
What are the treatment methods for kidney stones/ how to cure?:
1.Symptomatic Treatments:
- Anti- inflammatory drugs: Main symptoms of these diseases are pain and urinary symptoms. Hence for curing these using analgesic is the first option. For less severe conditions oral administration of NSAID are using otherwise IV methods are suitable.
- Antiemetic drugs.
- Medical expulsive therapy- to speed up passage of calculi etc.
2.Surgical Management:
1. Lithotripsy: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) is a noninvasive technique. Type of treatment that will break the kidney stones into smaller pieces and allow it to pass. This technique is used when the stone is near pelvic areas. Even though these technique results some complications especially in diabetic patients.
the stone is large the patient may referred to surgical procedures like percutaneous
nephrolithotomy-PCNL(by making an incision in the back), ureteroscopic
stone removal (removal through thin tube via urethra) or
Ureterorenoscopy -URS, Conventional open surgery Laser lithotripsy,
Mutra asmari (Urinary Calculi) and its Ayurveda management
Decades of years ago, it is clearly explained about Mutra asmari (Urinary Calculi), causes, Symptoms, diagnosis, diet and lifestyle, how to prevent, etc in Ayurveda by Dhanwantari etc. It is beautifully explained in Ayurveda texts like Ashtanga Hridaya, Susrutha Samhita, etc. In Ayurveda also the treatment for asmari are explained as
stage – good prognosis can manage with medicines and diet managements, and
Surgical Removal.
Causes or Nidana according to Ayurveda:
- Apathya ahara (unwholesome food habits).
- Low fluid intake.
- Urinary Tract infections.
- Drugs.
- Non elimination of vitiated Dosha through proper Shodhana treatment ( elimination therapy).
- Idiopathic etc
It is a tridoshaja vyadhi (kapha predominant). The disease process can be explained in following ways.
Dute to above reasons (causes) vata dosha aggravated
in vasthi (Urinary bladder). Vata has the
qualities like Ruksha guna (rough),khara etc. By
virtue of these qualities it dries up the locally available mutra (Urine), Sukra and Pitta to
convert them into sarkara or gravels.
Kapha dosha by its Snigdha, Guru, etc binds
those gravels together to make a soft stone like structure.
Pitta dosha by its paka karma completes the
stone formation.
Prodromal Symptoms:
Aadmana(belching), Pain in Vasthi(bladder) region. Urine smell
resembles likes that of goat urine, Dysuria, jvara (fever), Anorexia-aruchi,
etc. Urine is stopped at intervals, in its outflow. Urine flows out twisted or
scattered like spray, leaving sediments of clear sand. More pain on bladder
while jumping, playing, swimming, etc.
Common Symptoms:
- Pain
over Nabhi, Vasthi (bladder), siras, etc.
- Obstructed
Urination- "viseerna dhara mutram".
- Irritation
in urinary system.
- Urine
resembling comes urine- "gomedhakopamam".
- Rakthayuktha
mutram- urine containing blood, etc.
Types and its Features:
Vataja Asmari.
Pittaja Asmari.
Kaphaja asmari.
Sukraja asmari.
Types and its Features:
1.Vataja asmari symptoms/
- The
pain will be excruciating. The patient constantly under severe pain
gnashes his teeth or presses his umbilical region.
- Burning
sensation is experienced in the penis, and while urination, belching. and
defecation become difficult and painful.
- hematuria
may see.
- Ashmari
are found to be a dusty color, rough, uneven shape, etc.
- In
Ayurveda texts the shape of the stone described as hard faceted and
nodular like Kadamba Flower.
- Resembles Uric
acid stone.
1.Vataja asmari symptoms/ Lakshanas:
2. Pittaja asmari:
- Sucking,
drawing, burning sensation of pain experienced in this condition.
- Stone
is found to be reddish, yellowish black, like seed of the
Bhallathaka fruit or like the color of the honey.
- Resembles to calcium
oxalate, uric acid, and cystine stone.
- Urine-
color yellowish red.
- Sometime
chills, fever also associated.
3.Kaphaja Asmari:
- Pain
in the bladder region like that of "Suchi birava", like needle
- Have
the pain but it is not Severe as Vataja type. Kind of crushing pain,
bursting in the organ which become cold and heavy. May feel stiffness on
that region.
- Urine
color is white.
- Stone
is white, glossy and attain to large size to that of Hens egg.
And has the color of Madhuka flower.
- Resembles
to Calcium Phosphate stones.
4.Sukraja Asmari:
4.Sukraja Asmari:
- It
is seminal origin due to sudden or abrupt stoppage of sexual act or
excessive coitus tends to discharge the semen and sediment in abnormal
place. Leads to formation of stone.
- Associated with pain in the bladder, dysuria, swelling in the scrotum.
Acute renal failure, recurrent or persistent urinary tract
Ayurvedic Treatment for Urinary calcui/ Mutra asmari:
In Ayurveda treatment is explained in two ways.
1. Medical management (Samana and Sodhana).
2. Surgical management.
1.Medical management:
Treatment mainly based on the characters of Dosha, condition of
the disease, and patient. It consists of diet and drug designed to reduce the
risk factors of stone production. It is indicated in all patients for
preventing recurrence after stone is passed or removed by surgery.
Treatment principle:
Nidana parivarjana (removal causative factors), diet management, surgery
etc. While doing treatment and selecting medicines mainly focuses on,
Ashmari bhedana oushadas, Mutrala medicines (diuretics), soolahara (analgesic),
acc to dosha etc. If the size of the stone is large and obstructive type, then
it is better to avoid diuretic drugs and select asmari bhedana (cutting)
Shodhana therapy: Snehana and Swedana,
Snehapanam, local Dhara, Avagaha sweda, Virechana, etc.
We can also treat according to the stages of the disease:
Stage-1 : Severe pain in the Kukshi and Kati region.(Vatahara
Stage-2 : Burning urination (Pittahara).
Stage-3 : Obstruction of urinary flow (Kaphahara treatment).
Commonly using Ayurvedic Medications for Kidney stones:
Kashaya (decoctions):
- Balapunarnavadi kashayam ( V,P,K)
- Bruhatyadi Kashaya (P).
- Kokilaksham kashaya ( V, K), etc
Arishta/ Asava:
- Punarnavasava ( P.K)
- Chandanasava (P)
- Varanasava (V,K) etc.
Tablets/ Gulika:
- Chandra Prabha (P,K)
- Punarnava Gulgulu (K,V)
- hinguvachadi ( K,V)
- Tab Cystone, tab Altarin etc.
Churnam/ Powder:
- Avipathi Churnam (P.K).
- Goskhura Churnam.( P)
- Ardhavilwam (V,K), etc
Ghritham / Medicated Ghee:
- Brihatyadi (P.K)
- Sathavaryadi.
- Vatsyamayanthakam, etc.
- Gomutra Hareethaki.
- Dhanthi hareethaki, etc
- Kalyana Ksharam.
- Abraka Basmam.
- Kanmada Basmam, etc.
Home remedy for Kidney stones:
1. Decoction of onion with sugar.
Drink coconut water, barley water.
Decoction prepared with Kulatha daal.
Lemon juice mixed with honey or sugar.
Pashana bheda swarasa in empty stomach.
Add gokhura, punarnava, cherula roots in drinking water, etc.
What are the diet and Lifestyle changes can follow to cure Kidney stones:
What can have?
- Increase
fluid intake up to 2 liters/ day except in obstructive case).
- Drink
kulatha daal, soup made with old rice, kulatha, wheat, kusmanda swarasa
- Proper
exercise and work management.
- Consume
food rich vitamin A, Mg, etc.
- Limit
salt intake.
- Consume
diet rich in fiber, etc.
What don't?
- Avoid
milk, ghee and other milk products.
- Leafy
vegetables like spinach, tomato, cauliflower, cabbage, peas, etc.
- Avoid
excess animal protein, red meat.
- Getting
exposed to heat.
- Withholding
physical urges like urine, stool, semen, etc.
- Beer,
chocolate, soft drinks, etc.
What are the Yoga postures helps in kidney stone patients:
It is advisable to practice yoga along with medicines to relieve the symptoms of calculi. Some of the Asana useful to reduce the conditions are,
Dhanurasana (Bow pose).
Pawanamuktasana (Wind relieving pose).
Uttana padasana (raised leg pose).
Vajrasana, etc.
By: Dr. Rimin Razak.
Ref from: Wikipedia, medical texts, images from internet,Ashtanga hridaya, etc.
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