Keraliya panchakarma in Ayurveda treatment


Panchakarma procedures are utilized for the purpose of preservation, maintenance and conservation of health and the promotion of longevity.
While checking the history of Ayurveda we can see that,with the spread of Buddhism to the southern parts of India,Ayurvedic treatment got popularized as it was practiced in the monasteries.After the decline of the Buddhism,many of these monasteries where converted to the temples and the practice of Ayurvedic treatment through these temples still continues in Kerala. Panchakarma procedures where not confined to the higher societies only.Rather lower classes of the society also contributed to the promotion,progress,and development of these specialized techniques.Due to these fact modified technique of Panchakarma treatments developed in Kerala unlike north part of the India.
Based on Ayurvedic principles and own experiences, the Ayurvedic scholars in south India have modified certain techniques or procedures according to dosha, Prakriti(body constitution),Kala (season),drug availability etc.and found them quite effective.Later on thees procedures got popularized as Keraliya Specialties of Panchakarma which are extensively practiced in India and abroad as main procedures. With the modernization and globalization of Ayurveda,more and more peoples are showing interest in these treatment procedures due to their effectiveness in addition to the conventional Panchakarma practices.
Some of the main procedures are:
  • Shashika Shali Pinda Sweda
  • Pizhichil
  • Shirodhara
  • Shirovasthi
  • Shirolepana
These procedures are specialized varieties of snehana and swedana which have more nourishing effects than bio-cleansing or depleting effect.


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