
Thursday, 29 October 2020



What is Vamanam Procedure or emesis procedure in Ayurveda?

Vamana is one of the 5 main Ayurvedic Treatments. Vamana means to induce vomiting, it is a bio- cleansing procedure meant for the elimination of Doshas especially Kapha Dosha, accumulated in the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract. So this Treatment mainly indicated for disorders occurred mainly because of Kapha Dosha disorders. This is a kind of treatment that induces controlled vomiting by giving medications under strict Observations. This treatment can be done for Curative purposes or as preventive.

What are the benefits of doing Vamana therapy and what are the indications?

By expelling Vitiated Kapha Dosha (abnormal), digestion and metabolism enhanced. Immunity of the body will increase. helpful for clear and strong sense organs. 

What are the Basic Concepts behind Vamana Treatment? How it works?

According to Ayurveda Vamana is one of the main procedures mentioned in the 5 main Treatments. As per Ayurveda Imbalanced Dosha creates disease, hence treatments mainly focus on normalizing the imbalanced dosha or to remove vitiated Dosha from the body. Vitiated Kapha Dosha produces many diseases like respiratory disorders, skin disorders, etc as per the location is affected.  Removing the Kapha Dosha from its location likes extremities are difficult. However, as per Ayurveda concepts, the actual location of Kapha is the chest, hence by pre procedures and medications vitiated Kapha bought to its locations and by the process of VAMANA, the abnormal Kapha will be expelled out via oral route. Vaman is a kind of Shodhana procedure. 


Gastric Disorders:      Amplapitta (Acid peptic Disorders), Indigestion, etc
Respiratory Disorders  Kasa (Cough), Shwasa (Bronchial Asthma).
Other DisordersMadhumeha( Diabetes), Unmada ( Schizophrenia), Peenasa ( Sinusitis, Common cold), Kushta ( Skin Disorders), granthi ( Tumour), Shilpada (Filariasis).  

Persons who are not suitable for Vamana procedure or Contraindications:

Persons who are having Acute peptic Ulcer, Atikrisha ( Emaciated body), Bala (Children's), Vruddha ( Old age), Gharbhini ( Pregnant), Shranta ( exhausted), Pipasita (Thirsty), Kshidita ( Hungry) and Hrudroga ( Cardiac Disorders). The persons who are having the above-mentioned conditions are not suitable for the Vamana procedure.

How to do Vamana Treatment or Procedure?

Equipment required and Manpower:

  • Comfortable Seat.
  • Bucket
  • Vessels, glass, Bowel, Towel, measuring apparatus, BP instruments, Thermometer, ECG machine, Measuring Glass, etc.

Medications and Formulations:

  • Vacha (Acorus Calamus) Powder- 2gm.
  • Madanaphala (Randia Dumatorum)- 4 gm
  • Rock Salt- 5 gm
  • Madhu (Honey)- 15 ml.
  • Medicated oil for external application - 100 ml ( depends on the conditions of the patient and Dosha).
  • Milk- 1.5 liter
  • Madhuyashthi Kwatha (decoction of Glulirrhiza glabra)- 1.5 lit.
  • Lavanodaka (salted water)- 1.5 litr.

How to prepare the patient or Purvakarma:

Before doing Vamana therapy, the patient to be prepared with Snehana therapy and medication for 5 to 7 days depending on conditions. On the night before Vamana, the patient has to take Kapha increasing diet like Fish, Masha (black gram), etc.

Main Procedure or Pradhana karma or Vamana Vidhi:

Vamana is to be conducted in the morning from 7 to 8 am. If the patient on empty stomach, Yavagu special type of rice preparation 1:6 ratio rice and water) with ghee may be given. After snehana and Swedana patient allowed to sit comfortably in a chair. After that mixture of milk or madhuyashthi kwadha is to be given in the full stomach. Vacha powder with honey is given to lick in between. At the end of the decoction, madanaphala powder with honey is given.

The medication for Vamana should be administered as per the conditions of the patient. Usually, vomiting starts within 10 to 15 minutes. While vomiting masseur should massage the back and chest in an upward direction. To stimulate the urge water mixed with salt or milk gave repeatedly. If vomiting did not start sometimes gentile irritation needed on the pharynx with fingers.

Vegas of Vomana ( bouts)

The procedure of Vamana calculated on the number of bouts 
  • Jaghanya Vamana or Mild- 4 vega or bouts
  • Madhyama  or Moderate - 6 bouts
  • Pravara Vamana or excellent - 8 vegas.

After the procedure completed, wash the hand feet, and face in warm water. allow the patient to lie down to take rest in a room that is not exposed to the wind.

Signs of proper Vamana treatment or Samyak Vamana Lakshana:

Elimination of Dosha Kapha Pitta and Vata in proper order. Chest head, throat become free of congestion, and the feeling of the body becomes light. 

Vomiting should be allowed till the presence of pitta ( bile or yellow material). 

Signs of Excess and inadequate Vamana ( atiyoga and heenayoga Laskhanas):

Excessive Vamana causes
Froth in Vomitus, Hematemesis, Weakness, Dryness of throat, Feeling of Darkness, Giddiness, Vatarogas ( neuromuscular disorder), Fresh bleeding.

Noncommensment of bouts, elimination of the medicine only,  itching, excess perspirations. In cases of Improper Vamana, the patient can be given repeated medication and saltwater to induce vomiting. if that also fails then proceed with the samsarjana treatment and repeat vamana again within a few days.

What are the diets and regimen to follow after Vamana treatment (Samsarjana krama):

After the Vamana the body and digestive capacity of the body will be less, hence there are some diet regimens and lifestyles to follow for complete results, and to avoid further complications its called Samsarjana Krama. 


Sleep during day time, excessive sleep, waking up night avoid sleep, sexual intercourse, speaking loud excessive eating, walking, sitting, exposure to direct sunlight, cold, and diet which cause indigestion.


Diet is calculated on the basis of annakala. 2 anna kala means one day. that is two times daily. 

Manda- warm gruel prepared with cooked rice. Rice content should be less and gruel should be thin. follow this diet for 3 annakala.

Vilepi-  preparation with rice with a small quantity of ghee + salt. and warm water. follow this diet for the next 3 anna kala (4th 5th and 6th)

Odana- Gruel preparation with rice, green gram soup, ghee, and salt with little quantity and warm water after greul. Follow this for the next 3 annakala (7, 8, and 9)

Meat Soup- Meat soup prepared with water and salt.and warm water after the soup. follow this for next 3 anna kala (10,11 and 12th).

Vamana treatment as preventive:

According to Ayurveda Kapha will aggravate in Spring season ( Hemanth). Hence doing Vamana in the spring season as a preventive is beneficial to improve immunity and to prevent Kapha related illness. 

By Dr.Rimin Abdul Razak 
Ref : Charaka samhita and Ashtanga Hrudaya