
Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Dandruff / Seborrheic Dermatitis and Its Ayurveda Management (Darunaka)

 Dandruff / Seborrheic Dermatitis and It's Ayurveda Management (Darunaka)

What is Seborrheic Dermatitis or Dandruff?

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the common skin disease, which usually affects scalps. It causes redness, itchy rashes, flakes, scaly patches. If it affects the scalp with redness and scaly flakes, it’s called dandruff. Dandruff is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect oily areas of other body areas such as face chest eyelid etc.

What are the causes of Seborrheic dermatitis or Dandruff?

The actual cause still unclear, however, it's believed that genetic factors and environmental factors may cause the conditions to reoccur or to worse the conditions. Hence we can enlist possible causes as per below

  • Climate- cold dry weather conditions.
  • Use of Hard water to bathe or to clean the head.
  • Genetical.
  • Due to Stress and Tension.
  • Irritated Oily skin not shampooing enough (depends on the skin).
  • Dry Skin.
  • A yeast-like fungus.
  • Sensitivity to some hair products and medications.
  • weakened immune system.

Dandruff in Babies:

Yellow greasy scaly patches on the scalp of the infants and newborns its called Cradle crap. Gentle washing with baby shampoo and the use of baby oil will reduce this type of dandruff. If there is an infection, it's better to take treatment from the doctor. 

What are the signs and Symptoms of Dandruff or Seborrheic dermatitis?

Scalp cells flake off and replace every one month. but in conditions like dandruff, this will happen every 2 to 7 Days.
  • Itchy reddish scalp.
  • The appearance of white scales on the scalp.
  • Scaling of skin or flakes off from eyebrow mustache etc
  • Hair fall.

What makes Seborrheic Dermatitis worse or how to get prevent Dandruff?

  • Combing or brushing the hair regularly reduces the risk of dandruff buildup.
  • Wash hair regularly.
  • Sunbath- enough exposure to sunlight reduces dandruff, make sure to wear sunscreen on the face and body.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Learn to manage stress.
  • Avoid frequent Shampooing, if you have oily skin, shampooing helps. however frequent usage of shampoo irritates the scalp, especially for dry skin. 
  •  Limit the use of Haircare products which cause buildup in the hair and scalp making the scalp more oiler.

How to diagnose dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis?

These conditions can diagnosis with symptoms. Seborrheic dermatitis appears as reddish looking skin with mild greasy yellow scales and plaques. 


Complications are rare. Symptoms can treatment with little care, home remedy. Sometimes dandruff can be a sign of more serious medical conditions like weak immune systems, etc.  if having symptoms like infections, conditions are very severe which not reducing with usual caring and home remedies in such cases need to consult a doctor for better medical advice and treatments.

What are the Treatments for Dandruff?

For the mild conditions, use of preventive measures, usage of shampoo, oils haircare products are enough to control. However if symptoms not cure with these preventive measures and home remedies,  they can go for shampoo which contains salicylic acid, zinc pyrithione, selenium, sulfide, ketoconazole, coal tar, etc.

Dandruff Shampoos (anti-dandruff Shampoo) are classified according to the medications they contain,

  • Pyrithione zinc shampoos (DermaZinc, Head & Shoulders, Jason Dandruff Relief 2 in 1). These contain the antibacterial and antifungal agent zinc pyrithione.
  • Tar-based shampoos (Neutrogena T/Gel). Coal tar slows how quickly skin cells on your scalp die and flake off. If you have light-colored hair, this type of shampoo may cause discoloration. It can also make the scalp more sensitive to sunlight.
  • Shampoos containing salicylic acid (Neutrogena T/Sal, Baker's P & S, others). These products help eliminate scale.
  • Selenium sulfide shampoos (Head & Shoulders Intensive, Selsun Blue, others). These contain an antifungal agent. Use these products as directed and rinse well after shampooing, as they can discolor the hair and scalp.
  • Ketoconazole shampoos (Nizoral A-D). This shampoo is intended to kill dandruff-causing fungi that live on your scalp. It's available over-the-counter or by prescription.
The use of corticosteroid lotions over the scalp is also useful in case home remedies fail. However, never use corticosteroids for a long period and without advice from a doctor. Corticosteroid medicines are not used for infants.

Dandruff/ Seborrheic Dermatitis and its Ayurveda Treatment (Darunaka)

Ayurveda has clearly mentioned details of Dandruff, its management, and its prevention. According to Ayurveda dandruff categorized as Shudra Roga. It's called DARUNAKAM. Darunakam we can correlate to Dandruff/ seborrheic dermatitis.

According to Ayurveda treatise Darunaka which affects mainly on the scalp.  The signs and symptoms are already mentioned above, all the symptoms are mentioned above are also the same as per Ayurveda concepts. As per Ayurveda its Thridoshaja disease ( includes three dosha – Vata pitta Kapha imbalance), however predominance for Kapha and Vata Doshas. Hence treatments and lifestyle management are based on these two doshas ( to know more about DOSHA).

Dandruff are mainly two types, wet dandruff- oily scalp, due to excessive production of oils in the scalps, depositions will occur and cause yellowish greasy flakes. and dry dandruff- it's mainly due to dry scalp. Wet type require prolonged treatment for a complete cure.

Is there any cure available for Dandruff in Ayurveda? How to get rid of Dandruff?

Yes , Ayurveda can cure dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis completely and can prevent reoccurrence by following lifestyle changes, medications, and diet plans. According to Ayurveda imbalance of doshas leads to impurities in the blood and which manifests over the skin, and as other symptoms. Hence all the treatments including internal medication, local applications, lifestyle changes are intended to correct the doshas and to detoxify the raktha ( blood). Dandruff is mainly due to Kapha Vata predominant. As we see two types are there one is dry dandruff ( vata kapha) and another wet type ( kapha vata).

According to Ayurveda, the main causes of dandruff are – ( which causes changes for vata and kapha).

  • Prolonged and excessive intake of cold water.
  • Excessive use of salt.
  • chronic cold or running nose.
  • irregularity in the sleep routine.
  • Suppression of natural urges like urination, defecation, sleep, etc.
  • Excessive alcohol consumptions.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Improper Diet.
  • Exposure to excessive Sunlight.
Preventing the above indications are the main treatments in Ayurveda, along with giving the internal and external medications to increase immunity, medications for supplements, to make necessary changes in the lifestyle and diet to prevent reoccurrence for a healthy life. 

Common ayurvedic Medication/ treatments for dandruff (use as per the advice from a doctor):

Treatments:    Oil Massage, Nasyam, Vamanam, etc
Kashaya:    Aragwadadi Kashaya,  Manjishtadi, Mahatikthakam,
Taila- Anu tailam for Nasya, Eladi, keram, malatyadi keram, etc
Churnam/ Powder:    Aragwadadi Churnam, Eladi Churnam, etc
Arishta:    Khadirarishta etc
Lehya:    Chyavanaprasam, Manibadra gulam.

Home remedies for Dandruff / Seborrheic Dermatitis:

Coconut Oil with Lemon:

Mix 2-3 tsp of coconut oil with 1 tsp lemon juice, mix properly. apply over the scalp and kept for 20 minutes. repeat this twice a week.

Coconut Oil with Indian Gooseberry:

Mix 2-3 tsp coconut oil with 1 tsp gooseberry (amla) juice, apply overhead for 30 minutes and wash with water.

Fenugreek seed with lemon or water:

Take some fenugreek and soak in water, kept for a night. After that make it into a paste. we can use 1 tsp lime juice or water to make it paste. Apply over the scalp and kept for 30 minutes, wash it properly. 

Egg Yolk:

Separate Egg yolk, apply over scalp, and kept for one hour. wash it with shampoo.

Neem Leaf:

Take some Neef leaf, make it paste, and apply over the scalp. kept it for 30 minutes and wash properly.

Fresh Yogurt:

Rinse your hair with lukewarm water and towel dry it to get rid of dripping water. Apply a generous layer of fresh yogurt on the scalp and hair. Leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash it off with water

Rice Soup:

Take enough rice soup ( only liquid part), kept overnight. Apply over the scalp and kept it for 20 minutes. this one can repeat alternative days. Please note that you can use shampoo , or rinse thoroughly to completely wash the hair and odor. 

Almond Oil:

Mix Almond oil, castor oil, coconut oil, olive oil, apply weekly twice.

(Note:    These are the remedies used commonly to get rid of dandruff. If anyone has other remedies in their experience can share it with us. For the ayurvedic Treatments and related advises  to cure dandruff, please message directly)

Dr.Rimin Abdul Razak

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