
Thursday, 18 July 2013


Shashtika shaali pinda sweda also known as Navarakkizhi is a Kerala specialty of treatment in which the whole body or any specific part is made to perspire by the application of heated medicinal rice (Navara) puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in a cotton cloth in a specific manner for specific period of time.These procedures are very commonly used in Keraliya Panchakarma.
'Navara' means special rice which is harvested in 60 days. 'Kizhi' means bolus bag.

Materials Required: 

  • Panchakarma dhroni - 1
  • Gas Stove - 1
  • Vessels - 2 or 3
  • Cotton pieces (1ft - 1ft) - 4 nos.
  • Cotton thread - 2 mtrs.
  • Palm leaves - 8-10 nos
  • Towel.
  • Hot water for bath.

Medicated oils commonly used for Abhyanga:

  • Mahamsha Taila.
  • Dhanwantaram Taila
  • Ksheera bala Taila.
  • Karpasasthyadi Taila,etc.
quantity required approximately 150ml.

Medicated Kwatha/Decoctions:

  • Dashamoola Kwatha/ Balamoola kwatha- 3ltrs
  • Gandharvahasthadi kwatha - 60ml orally.

Amalaki Kalka (Paste of Emblica officinalis):

  • Paste prepared after boiling in buttermilk - 100gm


  • Cows milk - 3ltrs.
  • Shashtika shaali (special variety rice) - 300 to 500 gm.

Man Power:

  • Ayurveda Physician - 1.
  • Masseur - 2
  • Attendant - 2

Mode of Administration / procedure:

Decoction preparation:

Take 300gm of balamoola ,which washed,cut into small pieces add 4liter of water boiled and reduced to 1 litter and filter it.

Preparation of rice:

take 350 gm of rice,add half litter of balamoola kashaya and half litter of cows milk,rice is boiled to a thick consistency.

Preparation of bolus:

This prepared rice is (cooked) equally distributed in a 3 clean pieces and made bolus or kizhi.
Remaining half liters of cows milk and half liters of balamoola kashaya is kept on fire and used for dipping the bolus for temperature regulation.

Other Method:

300 to 500 gm of Shashtika shaali (rice) is cooked with 1.5 liters of milk and decoction of Balamoola (root of Sida cordifolia) or Dashamoola.This mixture is to be kept in four pieces of cloth to make 4 boluses.Another portion of decoction and milk of the same quantity should be mixed and heated in low temperature  to dip the above boluses for warming the pottali (kizhi).
The patient should be properly massaged with suitable warm oil all over the body and head.The paste of amalaki kalka should be applied on the scalp (thalam). The warm kizhi should be gently applied in synchronized manner by two masseurs on two sides of dhroni.They should ensure that the heat of the boluses is bearable to the patient by touching them over the dorsum of their hand.The temperature of the boluses should be maintained through out the procedure by continuous use of four boluses.The process should be continued till the patient gets Samyak swinna lakshana.This process id also done in seven positions (siting,supine,right lateral,prone,left lateral,supine,Sitting)as in Abhyanga,Kayaseka,etc or as per the requirement.

Post operative procedure:

At the end of the procedure,the paste of the medicines remain over the body should be scrapped off with palm leaves or in similar way and the body should be wiped off with dry soft towels.Then taila swab is to be removed and Rasnadi churna is to be applied over the scalp.Medicated oil should be applied over the body and gandharva hasthadi kwatha is given orally.The patient should be take complete rest for at least half an hour and then take a bath with a warm water.

Time and Duration:

The total duration of the procedure may be 45 to 90mts.The procedure is usually performed for 7,14,or 21 days according to the condition of the patient and diseases.


  • Neuro muscular disorders - Hemiplegia,Paraplegia,Muscular wasting,etc
  • Diseases of joints - Osteo arthritis and other degenerative disorders,etc
  • As a Rejuvenation Therapy.

Contra indications:

  • Acute fever.
  • Inflammatory and painful conditions,myalgia,etc
  • Gastro intestinal problems like Diarrhoea, Digestive disorders,etc
  • Respiratory disorders - cough, Breathing difficulty,infections,etc.

Dietary regimen:

  1. Warm water processed with ginger and coriander should be given for drinking.
  2. Light,liquid,warm,unctuous diet should be taken during the treatment course.etc


  • Complete avoidance of sexual intercourse during treatment.
  • Should avoid worries or anxieties.
  • Perfect physical and mental rest is essential.


By performing these procedure will helps to increase circulation,nourishment to the body ,muscles and nerve endings.etc

By: Dr.Rimin Razak
Ref: Keraliya Panchakarma Chikitsa.


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