
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Bashpa Sweda or Steam Bath in Ayurveda Treatment


This is kind of sudation by which medicated steam is applied to the patients body for a certain periods of time to get perspiration.It removes stiffness,heaviness and coldness from the body.(ref:A.H).
For this purpose Bashpa Sweda Yantra (A steam bath chamber) is required.Medicinal herbs decoctions is kept boiling in the Bashpa Sweda Yantra from where the steam is generated and applied all over the body or any specific part through a tube or pipe.The patient is advised to lie down inside the steam chamber after massage with warm oil (20-22C). A thick cotton sheet may be used to cover the body to get proper perspiration.

Materials and Equipments Required: 

  • Medicated Kwathas (Decoctions).
  • Suitable oil for massage (Mahanarayana Taila,Dhanwantaram Taila,etc)
  • Vashpa sweda Yantra/ Steam chamber
  • Bed sheet
  • Cloth
  • Towel,etc.

Medicated Kwatha or Decoctions: 

  • Usually Dashamoola kashaya is used
  • Vilwa (Aegle marmalose)
  • Agnimanda (Premna integrifolia).
  • Shyonaka (Oroxylum indicum)
  • Patala (Pterespermum suaveolens)
  • Patala (Ptereospermum suaveolens)
  • Gambhari (Gmelina arborea)
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris)
  • Eranda moola (Ricinus communis),etc may also used.

Oils for Massage:

  • Rasnadi Taila
  • Mahanarayana Taila,
  • Nirgundi taila,etc

Man power:

  • Ayurveda Physician - 1
  • Masseur - 1 or 2

Mode of administration/ procedure:

Patients are to be massaged properly with suitable oil for 30 to 45 minutes all over the body.Then the patient is advised to lie down or sit inside the Bashpa sweda Yantra and cover the body with a blanket.(In sitting method no need to cover the body)patient is to remain the Yantra for 15 to 20 minutes or till he gets proper perspiration (Samyak swinna lakshana). Prior to Virechana it is recommended for 3 days and for Vamana one day.At the end of the procedure patient may come out of the chamber and the sweat is wiped off with a towel. Bath is advised with luke warm water according to the physicians choice.


  1. Neuro muscular diseases - Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, sciatica,etc.
  2. Rheumatological problems - arthritis,Osteo arthritis,etc
  3. Rejuvenation Therapy,etc.

Contra indications:

  1. Visarpa - Erysipelas
  2. Timira - Cataract.
  3. Madhumeha - Diabetic Mellitus.
  4. Raktha pitta - Bleeding disorders.
  5. Atisara - Diarrhoea.etc

Possible complications and managements:

  • Fainting - Sprinkle cold water on the face ,apply suitable oil,Drakshadi kwatha internally can be given,etc.
  • Burns - Apply Madhu (Honey), Ghritha ( ghee), Ghrithakumari (Aloe vera) and other suitable treatments.

Dietary Regimen:

Liquid (light or semisolid) diet is advised throughout the procedure.


Swedana liquefies the deranged dosha /metabolic toxins,etc and facilitates to bring them to koshta (alimentary canal or central part of the body where they can expelled out by  subsequent panchakarma also helps to alleviate aggravated Vata dosha and help to reduce symptoms like pain,roughness,etc.

By: Dr.Rimin Razak
Ref: Ayurveda Panchakarma.


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