
Wednesday, 16 April 2014



It is a type of cleansing mechanism explained in Ayurveda. It is mainly indicated to the cleansing mechanism of the airway in the head. It is explained and practiced in Yoga practices which will give effects both for physiological and psychological.
There are mainly two varieties.


It is a way of nasal washing or irrigation of the nose and sinuses through a special pot by using sterilized and lukewarm isotonic salt water.


Sinus infections or Sinusitis, watery nose, hay fever, common cold, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis.

Stage 1: The water simply flows up one nostril to other just above the bridge of the nose where the usual air flows meet, backward into the middle cavity and then the water flows down and out the othet side of the nose. When done correctly there will be no flow of water backwards to mouth.

Stage 2: It is more advanced stage where water flows through the whole nasal cavity down the back of the nasopharynx and comes out through the mouth.In this process water passes by the post nasal sinuses cleaning at the nasal passage more strongly.


Rinses out the bacteria filled mucous lining, warm water loosens and dissolves any internal build ups and takes them out.
Nasal irrigation decreases inflammation, through the removal of  mucus that it improve muco cilliary clearance and that it remove mucus that cannot be handled by the cilia.

How to do JALA NETI?

How to make Water for jala neti?

  • Take warm water/ distilled water (cold water is not recommended) of a temperature suitable for pouring in the neither cold or too hot.
  • Mix in salt- one level teaspoon of salt for half litter water (This equals to 0.9% same as  human blood as isotonic). Mix thoroughly be sure to fully mix and dissolve salt.
  • Fill in the neti pot.

Step 1:

Place the nose part of the neti pot into the right nostril, sealing it to the nostril with a few twist and slight pressure. Try to point the spout straight up in the line with the nasal passage so as not to block the tip of nossil by the wall of the nose. Open mouth and breath gently. Do not sniff, swallow, close, lough, talk etc or any movements through the nose while water flowing.

Step 2:

Slowly bend forward from the waist so that the tip of the nose is the lowest point of the head and tilt the head slightly to the left (while doing on the right nose). Continue breathing the mouth while water flows. Within few seconds water should run out the left nostril. Keep breathing slowly and gently. Wait to use half a pot to flow.Then try it to the other nose.

Step 3:

Before changing sides , blow out gently through both nostrils to clear water and mucus.( don't blow hard).

Step 4:

If after doing all these, still there is a mucus then repeat procedure. Always do half a pot right to left then half a pot left to right.


Use only distilled or pure water. Boiling the water will help to prevent bacterial infection.
Use of cold water may lead to infection.

Sutra Neti:

In this a lengthy wet string is carefully and gently inserted through the nose and in to the mouth. The end is then pulled out of the mouth and while holding both ends at once, the string is alternatively pulled in and out of nose and sinuses.
Require high experience to do this.


Clear the nose, nasal polyps,chronic sinusitis, head ache, halitosis, etc.


Temporary sensation of gagging, nausea, and weakens ,may occur.

BY Dr.Rimin Razak


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