
Monday, 15 July 2013

Sankara Sveda in Ayurveda treatment


means mixing of dravyas like Tila,masha,etc together should be rubbed into pinda (ball like) made Luke warm and kept over the painful part of the body.This is a ideal procedure for application of heat to a selected part of the body.Depending on the drug used it can be  ruksha or snigdha.
Fomentation by means of hot bolus of prescribed drugs with or without being wrapped in a cloth.

Poorvakarma (Prerequisite):

Patient preparation:

        Abhyanga whole body.


        Tala Dhaarana-A bowl like shape is prepared with the help of Aamalakee paste. This is filled with any Taila having Sheeta property. It should be covered by any leaf having Vaatahara property.

        For Ekaanga Sveda Taladharana need not be done.

Medicine Preparation:

        According to the type of Sveda i.e. unctuous drugs like Tila, Maasha etc. for Snigdha Sankara Sveda and dry drugs like Vaalukaa, excreta of animals etc. for Rooksha Sankara Sveda.
        Tila, Maasha, Kulattha, Maamsarasa, Ksheera, Paayasa, Amlavarga, Shakrid of Go, Khara etc., Vaalukaa, Mritkapaala, Paashaana, Loha Pinda, Paansu, Dhaanya, Busa, Pulaaka Palaala, Kaanji, Shashtika Shaalee Pinda.


       Sveda can be applied to whole body or to a part of the body. (In Sandhee Shoola(joint pain) at the specific joint or for diseases like Shosha(wasting) whole body Sveda).

        There are 2 types of this Svedanai.e.1) Snigdha Sankara Sveda for this type of Svedana unctuous drugs like Tila, Maasha etc. are used. This is indicated in Vaata Pradhaana Doshaja Vyaadhi. 2) Rooksha Sveda - for this type of Svedana dry drugs like Vaalukaa, excreta of animals etc. are used. This is indicated in Kapha Pradhaana, Aamaja and Medaja Vyaadhi, Aamavaata.

        The drugs are kept inside a Potaliand made warm by immersing inside Paayasa, Maamsa Rasa etc.

        For dry Sankara Sveda the materials are heated directly and fomentation is done by direct contact with body.

        Four assistants should stand around the patient. Two assistants should do Svedana over body parts above waist and two below waist.

        The assistants should apply Svedaby constantly moving the Potalli.

        The movement should be from Manyaatowards the Katee and from Katee(hip) towards the legs.

        When the Svedana is applied without the help of Pottali, then the medicine should be applied directly over the body. (Annalepana)

        Precaution should be taken to avoid burns.


        The medicine should be removed with the help of leaves of Nalikera(coconut) and Eranda.

        The oil should be wiped out completely.

Other Description:

        It is also called as Pinda Sveda.

        Vaalukaa PotaliSveda, Annalepana, Shashtika Shaalee Sveda can be included in this category.

        Precaution should be taken to avoid Dagdha.

        While administration of Annalepanaor Pinda Sveda physician should monitor the patient for Koshtha Shuddhi (by application of Gandharvahastaadi Kvaatha).
        This type of Sveda is indicated in Daahapradhaana Vyaadhi.

By:Dr.Rimin Razak
Ref:Chikitsa Prakara.

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