
Sunday, 14 July 2013


Let us discuss about my third was a case of CTS- CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME as i think.

the case was presented as
don't want to mention the patient name,aged 62 years,he was an accountant abroad,now he retired and settled in Kerala.
Presenting complaint:
numbness and pain for both palms especially over first three fingers(thumb,index and ring)-about 20yrs.
weakness for both hands- 10yrs
unable to grip objects-10yrs

History of presenting complaint: 
he had the complaint like numbness,pain over palm by the last 20 earlier stages there is only numbness,but later it aggravated and pain also earlier stages numbness seen only during sleeping.and he undergone allopathy medications and got cure but cant able to continue the present he felt weakness and unable to grip objects.

History of presenting illness: 
history of diabetic mellitus and on medication-8yrs.

On examination: 
on examination i can found that slight muscle wasting (thenar muscle) is their on both hands.power slightly reduced,
phalens test was positive.
thumb movements against force are also weak.
Differential diagnosis: 
ruled out other possible diseases like cervical spondylosis etc.
suggest some treatment like ruksha sweda,elakkizhi,local swedana, and last navara kkizhi.
medicines like gulgulu thikthakam kashayam
punarnavasavam,punarnavadi kashayam,chandraprabha gulika,yogaraja gulgulu,etc
some wrist exercises ,etc.
symptoms was completely cured within 2 months of treatment.and advised to continue some exercises, diet habits for preventing further occurrence.

(detailed description about cts and  its Ayurveda management)
By:Dr.Rimin Razak

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