
Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Treatments In Ayurveda


Ayurveda is not only a science only to treat patients but also it is a wast science that taught people to meaning of nature,life it is considered as the science of life or science of nature.In Ayurveda treatment is mainly divided into shodhana and Samana chikitsa.

Treatment concepts:

The Ayurveda medicines are for the prevention and therapeutic purposes.its main aim is preservation of health for Swastha/healthy peoples and treat to cure the diseased people using method that suitable to nature.basically Ayurveda and its treatments depend upon some principles or theories like Panchamahabhootha theory, tri-dosha theory etc. it is probably the only branch of medicine that lays more stress on preventive rather than curative medicines.According to Ayurveda another main concept about treatment is the removal of causative factors and stoppage of manifestation of disease is considered as treatment.
 there are many approaches to diseases in Ayurveda as there are lots of disease exist.even though Ayurveda mainly categorized treatments into
  • Preventive Medicine
  • Curative medicine(Samana therapy and sodhana therapy)
  • Rasayana and vajeekarana therapy(rejuvenation therapy).


Here give more importance to the physical,mental and spiritual well being of an individual.their are certain life style modifications and food habits that help to person to maintain the health.these modifications are laid down according to the season and condition of the individual as all the human being are different according to tri dosha concept and prakriti of that particular person.As the season is one of the factor that changes the human body normalcy, so in Ayurveda by bringing about some modifications like periodic cleansing(shodhana) of the body through panchakarma,and some other methods like yoga and other seasonal therapies,can cure any diseases and also can prevent from disease.these will help the body to detoxify and prevent any illness.

Curative Therapy:

it mainly focuses about treat existing problems and give long lasting relieve without any complications and negative we consider the above mentioned Shodhana and Samana chikitsa.

Samana Chikitsa/Treatment:(Curative)
This method is considered when the derangement of dosha,and disease is mild to includes various drugs that are administered to patients to bring down the deranged doshas.these is the choice of the patient where panchakarma is not advised,or persons who cannot follow strict rules of diet and lifestyle that need to be followed for few days during and after Shodhana chikitsa/panchakarma treatment.When the samana is done recurrence of chances are more.this type of disease are advised for the patients that re weak,child,old,psychologically unwell.

Shodhana Chikitsa/Treatments:(Purification)
When the doshas are in highly provoked stage and the patient is physically and mentally fit it shall be done.It means removal of excess doshas in the body that causes diseases by means of Panchakarma.(Pancha means five,karma means therapies)they are
  1. Vamana (Artificially induced vomiting to cure diseases excess kapha)
  2. Virechana (purgation to cure pitta aggravated diseases)
  3. Vasthi (medicated enema used predominantly to treat diseases caused  by vaata)
  4. Nasyam (medicines administered through nasal roots for diseases above shoulder)
  5. Raktha detoxification of the blood (blood letting done either with the help of leches or with other methods)
While doing these type of therapy it is mandatory to do POORVA KARMA(pre operative) and PASCHAT KARMA(post operative)while doing these need to be undertaken with lots of care.If it is done correctly it will give fast relieve from the symptoms but would provide hazardous if done incorrectly.and before and after Panchakarma patient has to follow strict diet and lifestyle advised by the physician for few days before and after the therapy.

Rejuvenation treatments:

It is a type of diseases mainly indicates for the mind health and body health.this type of treatments used for the conditions like after diseases,after purification therapy,because after all these the Satwaguna or strength of the body and mind of the patient this treatment help to regain the also advice for weak patients also include Rasayana (rejuvenation) and vajeekarana(fertility treatment) etc..

Other treatment types:

  • Santarpana and Apatarpana Chikitsa.
  • Rasayana-Vajikarana type
  • Daiva vyapasraya,Yuktivyapasraya,Satvavajaya,etc
By: Dr.Rimin Razak


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