
Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Thridosha concepts in Ayurveda


Ayurveda is a natural science.according to Ayurveda ,one's body is closely related to nature.that's why a small change in climate,or nature it affects the peoples mind and body and will lead to start disease.Ayurveda mentioned not only the medicines and treatments to cure a disease but also mentioned detail by how to prevent disease, how to live for long as like suitable to the nature and environment.Ayurveda is based not only the scientific data,but some spiritual bases it is based on some basic concepts like dosha,dhathu,etc which is difficult to explain scientifically or beyond of these concepts are TRI DOSHA concepts.
according to Ayurveda the three essential constituents of the human body are the DOSHAS, DHATHUS and MALAS.they are so important as they are control our body in cellular level,physiological level and chemical level also.According to Ayurveda the three doshas are vata,pitha and kapha as the most fundamental principles as they govern the physiological and chemical activities.these three doshas are composed of the combination of five elements or the panchamahabhootha.
they are-
  • pritvi or earth
  • aap or water
  • tejas or fire
  • vayu or air
  • aakasha or space
vata is composed of vayu and aakasha, pitha is composed of fore and aap,and kapha is from water and earth.a harmonious state of these three doshas creates the health of the body and mind ,and an imbalanced state creates ill health and Ayurveda all the persons and their body are grouped under these three doshas with according to some special characters. not even the persons,but other things like medicines,climate,nature,day time,night,digestion tome,once life span,even mind also grouped under these three doshas.
according to Ayurveda one of the basic concepts of Ayurveda treatment is balance of these doshas with medicines and day to day activities and with food.these vata, pitha and kapha are like body functions such as catabolism ,metabolism and anabolism balancing of these important to health.for example if catabolism increase than anabolism body destruction occurs.
in childhood kapha elements are more predominant,but in old age vata is predominant.because childhood days are anabolic stage or growth stage,while in adulthood pitha is these day time,night,digestion time are all grouped like first kapha,second pitha and last vata is treatment concept is that when a disease with vata predominant occurs will treat with vata hara drugs or vata decreasing drugs and activities.
detailed description about vata dosha, pitha dosha, and kapha dosha

by dr.rimin razak

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