
Monday, 17 June 2013



While we consider pancha mahabhootha Pitha is composed of Agni and Aap(water)it is the basic energy generating element for the metabolic operations of the body.these elements are tranformative in nature. so they continuously modulate and control each other.Pitha has the functions like dahana (metabolism),paka,usnatwa etc by agni(fire) in the physical world and it is stated that these are conducted by pitha itself.
the word pitta originates from a Sanskrit word TAP-it has the meaning like to generate heat.
while we consider the human body it represents gastric fire or digestive fire,actions of enzymes and amino acids,other hormonal actions,metabolism,neurotransmitters and peptides that control the brain functions and transfer information etc.
pitta has the qualities like
color- any colour other than white and red. Susrutha One of the great scholer in ayurveda said that it has blue color in Aama state and yellow in ripe or mature state.
Taste- katuu(pungent) and amla (acid)
Smell- foul smell,visrata and puti
other-hot  or warm,light ,oily,spreading in nature,sharp,light.


small intestine, stomach, sweat glands, eye,digestive juices, region mainly stomach,blood,fat,skin,etc.

Pitta Classification: 

5 types of pitta
  1. Pachaka Pitta.
  2. Ranjaka Pitta.
  3. Sadhaka Pitta.
  4. Aalochaka pitta.
  5. Bhrajaka PItta.

1-Pachaka pitta:

The life span,complexion,vitality,good health,plumpness,glow, vital essence, luster,heat and life breath are derived from pachaka pitta.When this agni is extinguished the man dies,when a man is endowed with it adequately he lives long in good health,when it deranged fell in diseases.
Agni which digests food regarded as the master of all fire (agni) because other agni depends upon digestive fire.
it is produced from Pittadhara kala by the simulation of Samavanatha. based on tha concepts of Adhradheya bhava, the integrity of grahani(pitta dhara gala/portion of intestine,stomach) depends on the proper functioning of pachaka pitta.


paka karma of chadurvidha aharas(digestion),-helps in the conversion of of complex food substances to simple ones which can absorb and assimilated.
helps in separation of doshas,ahara.
it strengthens the other pitta.

2-Ranjaka Pitta:

Location-yakrit(liver),pliha (spleen)and amasaya(stomach) lower region.
function- to impart colour to Rasa dhathu to form raktha dhathu(blood).

3-Sadhaka pitha:

location: hrdaya(heart)
Functions: to achieve ones aspirations,like dharma,arthe,kama,moksha,budhi etc.
controls the proficiencies of the mind such as intellect and genius.

4-Alochaka Pitta:

Location:Drsta (eyes)
Functions: to catch the images of rupa of any external object presented to the eye including its colour.
types_Chakshurvaiseshika pitta and Bhudhirvaiseshika pitta.

Chakshur vaisheshika pitta:

Located in the eye begins to function after the correlation of atma and manas when the objects as made it contact with it leading to the production of the knowledge of the characteristics like form of colour etc in citta.Also can said that associates with retinal pigments which are concerned with absorption of light falling on retina and the transmission of impulses via optic tract.

Bhudhivaiseshika pitta:

Located in the Sringataka in between two eyebrows it seizes subtle objects,retains and recalls is the factor which enable concentration,response,and indicate the frontal area of brain is responsible with the process of memory mainly associated with the  experience through vision.

5-Bhrajaka Pitta:

Functions-production of normal and abnormal temperature if the body.imparts complexion to the skin.

General functions of Pitha:


desire and relish for food,appetite and hunger,Trshna(thirst)Pakti (digetion and metabolism), Usma(production of normal body temperature),Darsanam(visual perception), Raga krt(Imparting colour to rasa dhatu and converting it to raktha dhathu,and normal color to the skin,Prabha (luster),Deha mardavam(softness of the body),Ojakrit(production of ojus by natural metabolic process).


Medha krit,budhi and Dha (aids intellectual functions,understanding),
Prasada( happiness)
Sthouryam (courage and valour)
Moham( infatuation).etc

Abnormal functions of Pitta:

Abnormal functions are due to derangement of normal properties of pitta.some of the abnormal functions are burning sensation,increase of temperature,inflammation,sweat, oozing changes in color and causation of the smell,color,and rasa to the affected part.

What are the causes of  Pitta Prakopa/vitiation:

Excessive intake of pungent,sour,usna(hot),vidahi(fermented),tikshna(irritating), substances.
excessive indulgence in krodha(anger),upavasa(fasting),exposure to heat and sun
excessive intake of tila(sasame),curd,alcohol,etc.
during the process of pachana(digetion),
during the seasons like Sarat and Greeshma.
During the mid day and mid night.

Pathophysiology of Paittika Diseases:

in all the pitta type of diseases enumerated or implied the inherent natural qualities and actions of pitta are quite obviously manifested wholly or partially and as such it is not difficult to diagnose properly.some of the inherent qualities are heat,sharpness,liquidity,all colour  except white and red,fishy smell,etc.
the natural actions re burning sensation,increase of temperature,suppuration,perspiration,itching,purification,discharge,sloughing,redness are the exhibitation of its inherent smell colour and taste.

General treatment principle of paittika diseases:

it should be treated by using drugs having sweat,bitter,astringent and cooling qualities and such therapies like oleation,purgation,etc,which should all contain materials having anti-pitta properties.this all should be done according to the season and condition of the patient and dosage.of all therapies stated above purgation is the treatment particularly to reduce and treat pitta diseases,because immediately after the application of purgation we can see that it eliminate the vitiated pitta from its very root itself.When it is overcome in the amasaya(small intestine),it alleviate the entire vitiated pitta dwelling in other parts of the body. this can be likened to a hot chamber being cooled by removing the fire from inside of it (C.S).

Some common examples for pitta vitiated diseases.
  1. fever(jwara).
  2. Kamala(jaundice).
  3. Pandu(anaemia).
  4. Raktha pitta (bleeding tendency),etc.

Pitta Nature of people or Prakriti of peoples:

According to ayurveda all the human beings and animals etc are classified and grouped in to three,by considering the dosha.once normal nature is called is developed from his childhood considering these one can divide vata prakriti,pitta prakriti,and kapha prakriti.and mentioned there peculiar characters also.but usually pure dosha prakriti not get,a mixture of these three are seen.single prakrti are bad and Samadosha parakriti(equally balanced by three) are good.

pitta prakriti:

These peoples will have medium physique,sharp mind,good concentration power,management skills,and leadership ability.they will be competitive,passionate and romantic,sexually have more vigour and endurance than other people.
however they will be irritated,angry,self confident,aggressive,and assertive when pitta imbalance occurs.
theses people are of medium height and there body may be slim.their chests are not very flat and show a medium prominence of veins and tendons.
they may have coppery,yellowish,reddish or fair complexion with fair or reddish,soft,shiny and warm skin.there may be fine red,Fair or dark brown in colour and straight or thinning shiny and silky in nature.their eyes may be grey,green,or copper brown.
these people having strong metabolism,and good digestion resulting in strong appetite.they will have an inclination towards sweat,bitter and astringent tastes and they enjoy cold drinks.
their body temperature may run a little high and  hand and feet will tend to be warm.they do not tolerate sunlight,heat or hard work well.etc

By:Dr.Rimin Razak

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