
Monday, 24 June 2013

Panchamahabhootha concepts in Ayurveda


In Ayurveda it is said that component and functioning of the nature is similar to human body components and its functions.Ayurveda is based on the principle that the human body is made up of five basic element such as “Panchamahabhootha”, namely, Prithvi (earth),Aap (water), Theja (fire), Vayu (air) and Akasha (space). According to Ayurveda not the human body itself,but the whole creatures in the world(living or non-living) are brought into existence with composition of Panchamahabhootha or these five elements such as prithvi,aap etc.all these materials are composed of panchamahabhootha not in a same proportion.These Panchamahabhoothas are the establishment materiel of all the existing material in the universe.not the materials itself tridoshas also made up of these panchamahabhootha.
The ancient Ayurveda text, charaka says that ,"man is the epitome of the universe.within the man.there is as much diversity as in the world out side.similarly the out side world is as diverse as human beings themselves."

Origin of Panchamahabhootha??

these five elements originates from the concept of Pancha(five) tanmatra according to Ayurveda. these five tanmatra unite to form pancha mahabhootha.each element is a combination of all the five tanmatra,but shows predominance of any one Tanmatra because the combination of these five tanmatra in panchamahabhootha are different.These Pancha Tanmatra are
  • Sabda(Sound)-Aakasha mahabhootha
  • Sparsha(Touch)- Vayu mahabhootha
  • Roopa (Vision)- Tejo mahabhootha
  • Rasa (Taste)- Aap mahabhootha
  • Gandha(Smell)-Prithvi mahabhootha
these are related to each sense organs.the equivalents shown in brackets may not the correct and full implication of these terms.Eg: ordinary water does not contain jala mahabhootha is composed of all the five.these five elements are  to be understood in material sense as well as a subtle sense.
in Ayurveda/veda it is clearly mentioned the origin of the universe and so panchamahabhootha also. According to these the universe originates first from AVYAKTHA(may be god or some power as from Veda)gradually it brought in to existence to MAHAN(soul),then AHANKARA (ego)and step by step PANCHATANMATRA, and then PANCHAMAHABHOOTHA.the group of all these creations is known as life.All living are came into their existence in this order but the ration of these things differs creature to creature.

Panchamahabhootha concept in treatment:

According to Ayurveda all doshas,medicines,instruments,human body,food items,are made up of they are all the substitute for each other.the proportion of mahabhootha fluctuate in these maintaining the normalcy in human body with materials like food,medicine etc are the treatment principle.
Materials and there Qualities like shape,taste etc may vary.but the the overall panchamhabhootha quality will not vary for a substance in any circumstances.this also helps in treatments.

 The panchamahabhootha theory may sound simplistic,but actually it is a very sophisticated method for classifying thing and understanding helps to classifying the things,season,diseases,etc.fro example the human life cycle is divided into childhood,where physical growth takes place (water and earth predominant-kappa),adulthood where activity and change occur(fore-pitta dosha),and old age where body begins to weak (space and air_vata dosha)the year is divided into four seasons Winter (cold and rainy Water and earth predominant),Spring(new growth occurs(water and fir),Summer(hot and dry-for and air),Autumn when it is windy and cool(air and space.)
understood and Applied correctly,about panchamahabhootha concept help as a powerful analytical tool provide for internal (mind) and external assessment.

Characteristics of Panchamahabhootha:

1.Prithvi Mahabhootha (Earth):

represent the solid state of matter in the planet and living related to all solid and hard structures that show shape.The human body consist of bones ,teeth,ceells,etc as the manifestation of the is  regareded as a stable is responsible for giving structure,shape and strength to the body.
it is eternal,tanmatra of prithvi is Gandha(smell).the small particles of the earth are scattered to environment and give the sense of smell.
sensory organ: Nose.
Features: heavy,dull,dense,hard etc
Examples: fried foods,chees,etc
intake:increase heaviness,stability,obesity,and solidity in the body.

2.Akaasha Mahabhootha (Ether/Space):

Qualities:soft,light,subtle and abundant.
Action:provides room,looseness,etc.
Facilitates:Sound and nonresistence
substances:anything that is light,profuse and ethereal.
Example:hollow and light foods.
Intake:increase softness and lightness in the body.
tanmatra of the element:Sabda(sound).
 the sense organ predominant of aakasha bhootha is EAR.
it is described as space,in which everything happens.All matter exist in is the distance that separates is everything and touches every is receptivity and non-resistance to what-is true.talking about the human body,space is considered as the vessel that receive all the heart it is believed that space accepts love.

3.Vayu Mahabhootha(Air):

Qualities:Weightless,mobile,cool,dry,porous etc.
Action:motion or movement,evaporation and dryness.
Facilitates:touch and vibration.
Substances:dry and airy,or that creates gas.
Intake:increase cool,dryness,movement and circulation.
Tanmatra of Vayu bhootha: Sparsha(Touch)
the sensory organ related to Vayu is Skin.
 Air element keeps the body in constant motion.
it is mobile and dynamic.within the human body it is represent as oxygen.existent without form,air is the per-requisites to fire to burn.talking about the human body air is indirectly required to produce energy

4.Tejo Mahabhootha (fire):

it has the power to change state of any human body fire is present in the form of energy that binds together ,converts food creates impulses of nervous reaction,brain functions and hormonal functions.
 Qualities:hot,sharp,dry,subtle,weightless and rough.
Action:radiation of heat and light.
Facilitates: form,colour,and temperature.
Substance:anything combustible and spicy.
Example:chillies,pepper etc.
Tanmatra of Tejo bhootha: Rupa(Vision).
Sense organ: Eye.

5.Aap (water):

Qualities:oily,moist,cool,soft,and sticky.
Facilitates:fluidity and taste.
Substance:anything liquid,fluid or watery.
Tanmatra of Aap bhootha: Rasa (Taste).
Sense organ:tongue.
water shows important Quality of binding.this element is a constructive force.
about 70% of the body combined of water,it is important to function all the human body also included in blood,lymph.cells etc.has functions like temperature regulation.

By Dr.Rimin Razak
Ref:Ayurveda medical books,etc.

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