
Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Introduction to Ayurveda


 What is Ayurveda?

The term “Ayurveda” is emanated from two components i.e. ‘Ayush’ as ‘life’ and ‘Veda’ as ‘Science’ and thus literally “Ayurveda” is the science of life.Ayurveda is also considered as the upaveda of "Atherva veda". in Atherva veda mentioned about many diseases,description about medicinal plants,about medicines.thus Ayurveda is considered as "The Science of Medicine or The Science of Life".
Ayurveda is the science that enables peoples to obtain knowledge about the useful and harmful methods of life and it is not even a medical describes and teach us to "how to live successfully and close to nature". Besides it  gives a prime position to Soul or Atma.
Ayurveda the traditional and rational medicine in ancient India that aims at the happiness,longevity, is in uninterpreted practice since prehistoric age and has an unenviable position in the provides a rational means of may diseases that are considered to be difficult and incurable in other systems of medicine.
Ayurveda offered a happy,disease free,bountiful,fruitful life through Ayurveda treatments,therapies like Panchakarma,Yoga,Naturopathy etc.The ancient people did not discard the physical,psychological and material aspects of life,bu treated the same with due consideration.this is also mentioned and reflected in Vedas,Upaveda,etc.people who want to live for long years with prosperity and with good health and in good vigor require many efforts.this cannot be achieved without having a sound understanding of the natural physical principle like Ayurveda.

Basic concepts or principles of Ayurveda treatments:

Ayurveda considers human beings as a whole.All the physical and pathological processes involve constituents like
  • Tri doshas (Vata, Pitta,and Kapha)
  • Saptha dhathus (Seven tissues Rasa, Raktha, Mamsa, Medas, Asthi, Majja, Sukra)
  • Malas (waste products)
  • Pancha mahabhootha (Prithvi-earth, Aap-water, Tejas-fire, Vayu-air, Aakasa-space) concepts
above said concepts are the responsible for once health and ill-health.normal and balanced nature of these will lead to health and an imbalanced nature lead to ill health.So the treatment based on the principle that the balancing of these through medicines,therapies,yoga,by and by changing food and life habits according to the condition of the patients and nature.
Ayurveda is based on the principle that the human body is made up of five basic element such as “Panchamahabhootha”, namely, Prithvi (earth), Aap (water), Theja (fire), Vayu (air) and Akasha (space). The science also states that the Panchamahabhootha is governed by three doshas or negatives – Vatha,
Pitha and Kapha. Ayurveda treatments are designed and formulated to give a perfect balance of three doshas and to maintain their equilibrium.
It lays great emphasis on preventive and dietary methods for the sustenance of health. There are various treatment methods of Ayurveda. In Kerala, the mainstay of Ayurveda treatment is Panchakarma. A wide variety of ailments and diseases are treated through Panchakarma.

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