
Monday, 20 May 2013

case-1 review

hi. everyone. ..lets see what's the feed back of that case..
he comes with x-ray and  blood report. the result of the blood report was extremely normal, but i found some finding in his x-ray. that  he had some degenerative changes and osteophytic formation on his cervical vertebrae mainly over c4-c5 region. he also remembered me that after all these treatment his symptoms are somewhat relieved, but symptoms like giddiness, vomiting sensation, and some bladder discomfort feels for a small time periods only.

i advice the patient to take rest after a heavy work or something, advice some yoga postures and said him to continue nasya and some other medications for 3 months. and also advice him to avoid sleep during day time, cold bath, use of cloth over neck region while clod climate etc.
prescribe for naranga kizhi- 7 days
taila dhara and greeva vasthi for 14 days.
and last some navara theppu also.
he found great relief from all his complaints.

any doctors wants to add some more knowledge to these, i welcomes all of you that will give me chance to get more knowledge, you can suggest me other type of useful Ayurveda treatments and therapies..

by:Dr.Rimin Razak
Thank you. 

Saturday, 18 May 2013



Spondylosis is a term meaning to degenerative Osteo Arthritis of the

joints between the centre of the spinal vertebrae and or neural foramina
resulting pain paraesthesia etc. If it is occurs on cervical vertebrae it is called Cervical spondylosis. So this is a diseases of elderly (more than 40 years) where there is degeneration of the apophyseal joints and inter-vertebral disc joints with osteophyte formation and associated with or without neurological signs.


With the progressing of age in the spine disc gradually breakdown and degeneration occurs. As the age advances disc begins to loses its water content, elasticity begins to weakens and age related wear and tear affecting the cervical vertebrae, cause settling and collapse of the disc space and loss of the disc space height.

As the facet joint experiences increased pressure they also begins to degenerate and develops arthritis. Resulting in bone rubbing. for this mechanism body develops some preventing measures as a result growing new bones in facet joins to help support, further result as spur. It may narrow space between the vertebrae (stenosis). Due to age and some other factors brings down the calcification leading to extra bone formation known as osteophytes.
Due to trauma, pressure etc some factors like intra vertebral disc herniation may also result to cause this disease.


The disc are made up of two concentric layers, The inner gel like annulus pulposes and outer annulus fibroses. As a result of advancing age and other precipitating causes the nucleus loses fluid volume and resulting the entire disc structure become more susceptible to trauma compression (dehydration of the disc). The disc is then highly vulnerable to tears and wears. As a results inner annulus pulposes protrudes thereby fibrosis layer produce bulges in the disc (herniated disc) cause compression to the spinal cord and nerve root. When space narrows compression of nerve root emerging from spinal nerve may result radiculopathy (sensory and motor disturbances), direct pressure on the spinal cord may result myelopathy, weakness,  gait disturbances, loss of bowel and bladder control. May experience phenomena of numbness or burning sensation on hand and legs.


  • Trauma
  • Incorrect posture while sleeping and working.
  • Excess intake of sour and spicy food- cause to early degeneration.
  • Genetically
  • Smoking- tends to increase the disease and other symptoms.
  • Occupational- reduced physical activity, sedentary habit, stress,
  • Repetitive strain injury (RSI)- caused due to lifestyle without ergonomic care (while working in front of  computer), travelling, etc.
  • Age. 
  • Cold food, direct exposure of wind, heavy meal at night time, heavy exercise, use of improper pillow, lack of sleep at night and sleeping during day time, etc may aggravate the condition.